Average reading time: 6 minutes.A few days ago, in a group discussion on social media, I came across a discussion about a man feeling abandoned in a sexless ...

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Average reading time: 5-6 minutes.Erectile dysfunctionis NOT a big issue. I do not meanthat the condition does not exist, nor thatitshould not betreatedwhenitischronic. I justmeanthatyou can stillenjoy a lot ...

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Average reading time: 9 minutes.I have been a feminist since the age of 15. Only recently have I come to understand that there is an unseen oppression to ...

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Average reading time: 3-4 minutes.I have toomuch respect for mypenis to put itinsidesomeonewhom I don’twhollyappreciate and respect. This sentence is how a lover of mine would like to ...

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Average reading time: 6 minutes.Todayis about Orgasms, and focusingourmindstowardsthat goal. I will first, focus on femaleorgasm, whatitis, and surprisingthingsthatwill help achieveit, and maximizeit. Then, how, surprisingly, the sametools and ...

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Average reading time: 5 minutes.This post is not about the harm porn does to yoursexual life. Here I am focusing on 5 specific,, technical thingsthatyoushouldbeaware of, thatyoushouldtry to ...

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Average reading time: 4-5 minutes.I talked before about the importance of verbal communication when it comes to mutual sexual satisfaction. Some of you may have a hard time ...

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Average reading time: 9-10 minutes.Simone de Beauvoir claims that on average, a womanneedsbetween 20 and 45 minutes of physical stimulation to get properly aroused and ready for penetration. ...

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Average reading time : 5 minutes.I often read that, in sex, “you are responsible for your own pleasure”. I would like to have your thoughts about this. Do ...

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Average reading time: 4 minutes.Love is THE most valued thing in our societies. However, what is the definition of love? Because when you say you love someone, it can ...

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Average reading time: 6 minutes.You know, how most swear words are sexual? That creates all sorts of confusion in our brains – and it is detrimental to our ...

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Average reading time: 9 minutes I believe that the ideology of Porn is basically the same as Puritanism, and its effects on our sex life are quite similar. ...

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